Head of Research
Gergely Krisztián Horváth
Social Historian, PhD
BTK–NEB Rural History Thematic Group
Senior Research Fellow
Research area:
history of rural society, long-term trends in social development

Gergely Károly Bán
historian, PhD student
Doctoral school:
University of Debrecen Doctoral School of History and Ethnography
PhD student
Research area:
city hierarchy studies between the two world wars

Gábor Csikós
Historian - Psychologist, PhD
Institute of History, Center for Humanities Research,
Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, Budapest Institute of Psychology
Research Fellow, Assistant Professor
Research area:
history of collectivisation, impact of collectivisation; mental health, impact of historical traumas
Gábor Demeter
historian, geographer, PhD, habilitation
Institute of History, Center for Humanities Research
Senior Research Fellow
Research area:
Balkan economy, society, diplomatic history (19-20); Austro-Hungarian Monarchy economic and social history, methodology: cliometry, GIS

Péter Dominkovits
archivist, historian, PhD
Archives of the Hungarian National Archives in Sopron
Chief Archivist, Archives Director
Research area:
History of early modern urban and urban society; 20th century historiography and cultural history, exploration of ego documents

Máté Gárdonyi
Catholic priest / university professor, PhD
Head of Department
Research area:
Catholic Church History

Eleonóra Géra
Historian / Archivist, PhD
ELTE BTK Institute of History / Doctoral School of History
Habilitated Associate Professor
Research area:
modern urban history, lifestyle and mentality history; Protestant Church History

István Hegedűs
Historian, IT, agricultural engineer
National Archives of Hungary
Archival IT specialist, Head of Department
Research area:
manor history, land tenure policy

Ágota Lídia Ispán
ethnographer, historian, PhD
Institute of Ethnography, Research Center for the Humanities
Research Fellow
Research area:
lifestyle change after 1945, socialist cities, village elite; everyday history

Ferenc Jankó
Geographer, PhD
Department of Social and Economic Geography, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Economics, University of Sopron
Associate Professor
Research area:
historical geography, environmental debates

Gábor Koloh
Social Historian, PhD
ELKH-SZTE-ELTE Research Group on the History of Globalization
Museologist, research fellow
Research area:
modern and contemporary Hungarian social and economic history

György Mikle
geographer, doctoral student
Doctoral school:
ELTE TTK, Doctoral School of Earth Sciences
PhD student
Research area:
Historical and Social Geography of Former Manors; rural geography; historical geography

Éva Petrás
Historian, PhD
Historical Archives of State Security Services
Research area:
social policy and church history

Zsolt Szilágyi
historian, geographer, PhD
DE Historical Institute
Associate Professor
Research area:
19–20. Century urban and social history in Hungary; Historical geography of Europe and the Carpathian Basin

János Szulovszky
Historian-Ethnographer, Candidate of History (CSc), PhD
Institute of History, Center for Humanities Research
Senior Research Fellow
Research area:
History of the Hungarian handicraft industry in the modern age; exploration and preservation of handicraft cultural heritage; material culture; historical geographic information

László Tompa
historian, doctoral candidate
Doctoral school:
ELTE BTK TDI Doctoral Program in Cultural History
PhD student
Research area:
XVIII. century rural society, early modern serfdom; estate history, Batthyány estates, agricultural history (Transdanubia)

Róbert Bagdi
historian, geographer, PhD
Institute of Rural Development, Tourism and Sports Management
Habilitated Associate Professor
Research area:
economic history, historical-geography, tourism geography

Zsolt Bottlik
geographer, PhD, habilitation
ELTE TTK, Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences, Department of Social and Economic Geography
Habilitated Associate Professor
Research area:
ethnic geography, regional geography of Central Europe, social geography of the post-Soviet region

Gábor Buzgó
historian, PhD student
Doctoral school:
University of Debrecen Doctoral School of History and Ethnology
PhD student
Research area:
economic and social history of Hungary in the 19th and 20th century

Brigitta Gyenge
Hungarian teacher, ethnographer
full-time mother
Research area:
data recording

László Kiss
sociologist, PhD
Centre for Social Sciences, CSS-RECENS
Research Fellow
Research area:
Hungarian social history, social history database development

Tibor Klestenitz
historian, PhD
University of Public Service; MTA-OSZK Res Libraria Hungariae Research Group 19th Century Press History Workshop, ELKH
Research Fellow
Research area:
Hungarian press history, church history (19th-20th centuries)

Károly Zsolt Nagy
Reformed theologian, cultural anthropologist
Reformed Theological Academy of Sárospatak
Habilitated Associate Professor,
head of Kálmán Újszászy Reformed Heritage Research Institute
Research area:
social memory, denominational identity, Reformed denominational culture in the 20th century

Gábor Németh
University of Debrecen, Faculty of Science and Technology, Institute of Earth Sciences, Department of Social Geography and Regional Development
managing expert
Research area:
GIS database development

István Papp
PhD student
Doctoral school:
University of Debrecen, Doctoral School of Earth Sciences, Department of Social Geography and Regional Development
PhD student
Research area:
investigation of the border areas of Hungary by geoinformatics methods

János Pénzes
geographer, university professor
University of Debrecen, Faculty of Science and Technology, Institute of Earth Sciences, Department of Social Geography and Regional Development
Habilitated Associate Professor
Research area:
territorial inequalities, demographic processes

Csenge Zsuzsanna Radicsné Andrásfalvy
Hungarian-history teacher
Czuczor Gergely Katolikus Primary School, Biatorbágy
Research area:
the 1956 revolution in the ego documents of Pécs

Orsolya Ring
social historian, PhD
Centre for Social Sciences Institute for Political Science - ELTE BTK Department of Auxiliary Studies of History
Assistant Professor
Research area:
Post-1945 social history, theater history, digital humanities, application possibilities of text mining methods in historical research

Zoltán Krisztián Túri
geographer, applied GIS, PhD
University of Debrecen, Faculty of Science and Technology, Institute of Earth Sciences, Department of Physical Geography and Geoinformatics
Assistant Professor
Research area:
geoinformatics, remote sensing, object-based image processing

Zsófia Vajda
Hungarian-French teacher, pedagogical assistant
RCH Institute of History, "Mesevár" Kidergarten of Tordas
database administrator
Research area:
database development